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Showing posts from May, 2011

Survey Data Presentation

While we provide a survey drawing in plane co-ordinate system, we hear from the Highway Engineer for a KML File to take reference from Google Earth.  So, Now by default, we are proividing a kml file of the surveyed area.  The entire survey data, almost all objects in the drawing will be converted to the KML file, that can be overlapped on Google earth. See samples >  

Goodland Surveys At Gabon

We are working at various places in Gabon, Africa for Highway and Pipeline projects.  6 Nos of fully equipped survey teams (with DGPS, Digital Level, Total Station and a CAD Team) are engaged.  We have orders for next 3 month periods in this country.  We expect orders in Power transmission and construction industries.  Approx project turn over will be 6 million INR by end of 3 month period.

Methodology for the Topographical Survey work for Land Survey

Methodology for the Topographical Survey work for Land Survey Identifying the Boundary corners of the Proposed Project If the proposed project area are covered few villages and having Hundreds of individual survey nos., with the help of combined village map provided by the revenue departments and with the help of revenue surveyors, we can identify the all Corners of the boundary. Fixing of Horizontal Control Points The Horizontal Control points will be fixed by the DGPS on the permanent locations on all major corners of the area and also on the center of the proposed project area.  The secondary control points shall be fixed on available permanent location by Total Station. Traverse Total Station having 5” or more accuracy shall be used for this activity. The Traverse loops to be connected to DGPS pairs and closing error to be calculated. The error shall be adjusted on all points fixed by Total Stations thru  Bowditch Rule . The accuracy will be 1:20,000. Fixing of...